Dental Emergency Treatment

Have a Dental Emergency? Go to Endodontist First, Not Emergency Room or Urgent Care!

Have a Dental Emergency? Go to Endodontist First, Not Emergency Room or Urgent Care!

With hospitals and emergency rooms overloaded, endodontist offices remain open for dental emergencies for those suffering from extreme tooth pain or other oral health related emergencies such as those that might require root canal treatment.

During the constantly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and emergency rooms are experiencing extreme surges of patients seeking urgent care, leading to longer wait times for patients in need, shortages of medicine and equipment and clinician and staff overload. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, we can help. 

To help reduce the number of ER and Urgent Care admitted patients, it’s important that patients contact our Buffalo endodontists first for all dental-related emergencies. If you are experiencing severe dental pain, dental infection symptoms (e.g. bleeding, swelling) or a dental infection-related fever, please contact us immediately or go to to find a local endodontist in your area.

Endodontists are tooth pain and root canal treatment specialists trained in diagnosing and treating tooth pain. They consider their role during this crisis to alleviate tooth pain, manage oral infections and reduce the need for patients to seek emergency dental care at ERs and Urgent Care facilities. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact us today.

Please refer to the following for more information:

CDC’s COVID-19 webpage

AAE’s COVID-19 updates…/clinical-…/covid-19-updates-resources/

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