There are several ways to get a tooth knocked out. Whether it falls out in an automobile accident or it becomes knocked out of place due to a wayward baseball, dislodged teeth are a medical issue that requires urgent attention from a dental care professional. With every second that passes, the chance that your tooth can be permanently restored to its original place in your mouth sharply diminishes. To learn more about the steps that you must immediately take after suffering dislodged teeth, check out experienced Buffalo endodontist Dr. Aaron McCann’s video below.
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Dislodged Teeth – What To Do Next!
If you have participated in a sporting event and suffered dislodged teeth due to impact from a ball or another piece of equipment, this constitutes a dental emergency. You will need to have the tooth placed back into the socket as quickly as possible. If the tooth is dirty, you must rinse it off and gently place it back in the socket. If you are not comfortable handling the tooth, you may instead place it in a glass of milk and call the Dr. Aaron McCann at Precision Endodontics as soon as possible. To optimize viability, the tooth must be placed back into the socket within one hour of the accident so time is of the essence. Dr. McCann has helped countless patients save dislodged teeth and he can help you too!
At Precision Endodontics, we believe that all dental treatment should be painless and comfortable. We expect that your entire experience from the time you choose to make us a part of your dental team until the completion of your treatment will be smooth, painless and precise.
Our “make no compromises” philosophy places our practice in the top tier of endodontic practices, nationwide. Call today and meet our friendly staff. Let us put you at ease and make your dental care easy and pain-free!
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