Infected Teeth and Root Canals
Are you or someone you love dealing with infected teeth? Infected teeth can cause a myriad of issues that can have significant negative impact on your oral health as well as your overall health. Tooth infections can be serious, especially if left untreated. If you have an infected tooth, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible to get the infection taken care of before it has a chance to spread. In the meantime, here is what you should know about infected teeth and how a root canal can help.
A common question that seems to be circulating on the internet nowadays concerns whether root canal therapy can actually cause other medical problems and issues. If you go to the American Academy of Endodontists’ website, you can read a published a paper that includes hundreds of references, none of which support the truth of any such claims.
Dental infections in itself is really a localized infection which, if not treated, could become a systemic problem. Because the materials we use in delivering our treatments at Precision Endodontics are inert, the focal infection theory isn’t cause for concern.
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Can Infected Teeth Cause An Infection In Your Body?
One big question that comes up, especially online and with different holistic centers, concerns the focal infection theory which contemplates whether a tooth infection can cause infection in the whole body.
It’s true that systems throughout our entire body are connected, and that dental, oral, and periodontal infections can affect other aspects of the body, including heart conditions and diabetes.
Normally, if a dental infection is really just coming from a tooth, it is a localized infection. However, if left untreated, it can spread and become a more generalized infection. You certainly want such infections to be treated, and it’s an even better reason not to postpone any treatment that can help save your teeth and improve their health.
Will Antibiotics Help My Teeth Heal?
Patients frequently come into our office for an appointment scheduled a few weeks earlier when they were given antibiotics by their dentist. When they present at our office, they’re no longer in pain, so they question us as to why they have to be here and ask if there is still a problem because the antibiotics seem to have fixed it.
The problem with infected teeth is that the infection itself is really inside of the tooth. That means, in order to solve the problem, we have to actually go inside the tooth and fix it. Antibiotics really only mask the symptoms. If you don’t take care of it, the problem usually comes back even worse than it was the first time you experienced it.
Are you or someone you love dealing with an infected tooth and looking for relief? Contact Precision Endodontics today and let our experienced Buffalo endodontists help heal your teeth.
We are open full-time and able to see patients during the Coronavirus pandemic. We have instituted a variety of measures to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Schedule an appointment today and let our experience work for you.