New Root Canal Technologies
Getting a root canal at Precision Endodontics should be painless and smooth. It is our specialty and we have new root canal technologies to make your experience even better.
New Root Canal Technologies: Imaging
When you come into our office, one of the first things you’ll notice is our new root canal technologies. Our office stands well above most of the offices you can visit in this area. Every procedure we do is 100% microscopic, so you’ll see surgical microscopes on every ceiling. That’s what we use for all of our treatments. Everything is digital x-rays.
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We actually have a 3D imaging machine, so if we have a question about your tooth, or something concerns us, or we need more information for an accurate diagnosis, we can take a low radiation CAT scan right in our office and pull it up on the large monitor right beside the dental chair. That way, we can go over it with you, turning your tooth inside out and looking at it three-dimensionally and spinning it around. It’s really a neat technology, and it means there are very few cases for which we can’t come up with an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
New Root Canal Technologies: New X-ray Technology
Another piece of equipment you’ll find in our office, and one that patients usually get excited about, is the new device we use to take x-rays. Instead of the long pole that used to swing over your head and require everyone to leave the room, we can now hold this instrument, sit next to you and take the x-ray. The scanner and the amount of radiation are both almost zero.
Do you need to get a root canal done? Come to our office with new root canal technologies. Contact root canal specialists Precision Endodontics to schedule an appointment today.